Friday, November 1, 2013

Documentary vs. Movie

      War movies usually tend to gross more than war documentaries because they are more dramatic. Even if they are advertised as a real event or based on a true story they are usually stretched, edited, or dramatized to attract viewers. Documentaries, on the other hand, are meant to tell a true story or to educate viewers on real life situations.
 A documentary’s purpose is to give true facts on an event. Some of the situations dealt with are how the soldiers and veterans, which actually went through some of these things, feel about this. Many critics point out a movie’s inaccuracies, such as military lingo, uniforms, or military culture. However, they do enjoy the action and special effects of the movies. A documentary, on the other hand, is less worried about spicing up the show with special effects and extras. Critics of a documentary might point out how well the documentation was, or how well the cast received the documentation.
Movies such as The Hurt Locker received mixed reviews. Some critics were upset at how the cast portrayed the army. The main character was reckless and insubordinate. Soldiers became upset at the inaccuracy, it made them look reckless. Other critics liked the portrayal of a rugged and courageous soldier. It was entertaining and made him look more heroic.
 Documentaries such as Restrepo also had mixed reviews. Many critics liked that it was real, with no actors or exaggerations involved. The documentary’s creators, Sebastian Junger and Tim Hethrington, said that they wanted the documentary to show the real version of what the soldiers went through so that they can truly be honored as heroes. One of the creators also stated that he was afraid of how the military would react to them having as much access as they did. He said, "It has certainly raised eyebrows within the US military establishment." Movies may be action-packed and dramatic, but in my opinion, watching a truthful and accurate documentary is more entertaining.

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